DayFR Euro

KOLDA: Raising awareness among young girls Leaders for strengthened maternal and child health

The young girl leaders of Kolda recently benefited from a series of activities aimed at raising awareness among parents about high-risk pregnancies and emphasizing the crucial importance of pre- and postnatal follow-up. These awareness efforts have also highlighted the promotion of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, among other major health challenges facing women.

These initiatives are carried out as part of the Mother, Child and Adolescent Health Week, orchestrated by the Kolda health district. This year, under the theme “The First 1000 Days of Life: A Window of Opportunities to Seize”, the week aims to highlight the critical importance of the first days and months of life for the future development of each individual. .

The young girl leaders of Kolda are at the heart of this awareness campaign. Through declamations of inspiring poems and engaging conversations, they succeeded in capturing the attention of parents and community members on the issues of maternal and child health. Their goal was clear: to educate and encourage families to adopt preventive health practices and seek regular medical monitoring throughout pregnancy and beyond.

Emphasis has also been placed on vaccination against HPV, a virus that causes cervical cancer. Through information and awareness sessions, girl leaders dispelled myths surrounding vaccination and encouraged girls and their families to get vaccinated to reduce the risk of developing this preventable cancer.

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