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In , 5,000 people wear pink against breast cancer

“Come on, come on, the blues and whites of Aviron Bayonnais…” : did the banda des Di’sonnants, who animated the arrival of La Niortaise, Sunday October 6, have chosen the wrong colors? The theme of the day was indeed pink, which has become the symbol of the fight against breast cancer, and therefore, by extension, of the walk associated with it.

The Niortaise brought together around 5,000 participants, a record, say the organizers, despite the gloomy weather, which transformed Pré-Leroy into a swamp. The crowds were such that there were traffic jams at the start, the wooden footbridges acting as funnels for the thousands of hikers, who came with friends, family or groups.

“We all know someone affected by breast cancer”

This was the case of the Association of French Cities, of which around twenty members, men and women, had arranged to come and walk one of the two loops, the 4.5 km or the 11 km, of your choice. “We defined a meeting point, and we met again”says Marie-Ange Potreau, the general secretary of the association, whose year is placed under the sign of social. The weather? Not even afraid, they smile, especially since Marie-Jo is among them. And, “with Marie-Jo, there is no water! » they enthuse.

In a good communicative atmosphere, the walkers were there as much for the sporting challenge as for the good cause: the proceeds from registrations are donated to Prinseinses, the organizing association led by Isabelle Deschamps, which raises awareness about breast cancer.

“We obviously feel concerned, we all know someone around us affected by breast cancer”support Marie, Maryvonne and Marianne, a group of friends who left their husbands at home for the occasion. “I am really distressed by the number of women who do not get tested”adds one, who hopes that the march can raise awareness among as many people as possible.

For Katy, Magali, Jessica and Nathalie, accompanied by her mother Claudie, it was also an opportunity to meet again, while some had traveled from neighboring Vienna. “We were touched, even personally”they relate to justify their presence. Dressed in pink, they also made the loop. And like all the participants, they were presented with a rose upon arrival.


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