DayFR Euro

In , the number of cases of Legionnaire’s disease multiplied by three in one year, a phenomenon “difficult to explain”

An explosion that the scientific community is struggling to explain: “This upsurge in cases in is difficult to explain in the absence of identification of grouped cases and a common source of exposure that may have affected several cases. Moreover, no predominance of a particular type of “legionella” strain has been identified, but the biological results obtained only concern 22% of cases. Likewise, no environmental source linked to a new industrial establishment that could be the cause of the diffusion of contaminated water aerosols has been identified. These elements are therefore in favor of sporadic cases occurring more significantly among people residing in Gironde in 2023,” specifies Public Health .

In 2023, cases of Legionnaires’ disease occurred heterogeneously across a large part of Gironde. However, 41% of cases resided in the Métropole territory. “No grouping of cases in the same postal code of more than five cases has been identified except in Bordeaux.” This increase was particularly “significant and unusual” during the autumn period with two marked peaks in September and November. A peak was also observed during the month of June. In 2023, 81% of notified cases occurred between June and November, compared to 68% of cases on average from 2013 to 2022 over the same period.

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Remember that Legionnaires’ disease is a lung infection caused by the Legionella bacteria. Present in the natural environment, it can proliferate in artificial water sites, when the conditions for its development are met, particularly between 25 and 50°C: hot water networks, cooling towers, other installations (whirlpools, humidifiers, decorative fountains, aerosols, respiratory therapy devices, etc.). Contamination occurs mainly through the respiratory route, through the inhalation of contaminated water diffused in an aerosol. Legionnaires’ disease begins with a febrile flu-like illness which progresses to pneumonia.


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