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To properly nourish your microbiota, this gastroenterologist reveals the top 10 foods rich in prebiotics

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“Prebiotics are molecules that feed these “good” bacteria that reside in our intestine. Their consumption therefore also contributes to the health of the intestinal microbiota, and consequently to ours! Prebiotic molecules are particularly present in foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, cereals. explain the INSERM experts. Consuming prebiotics on a regular basis increases the number of beneficial microorganisms while reducing the population of potentially harmful bacteria. They are found in several foods, some are particularly rich in them.

Doctor William Berrebi, gastroenterologist, indicates, in a post published on Instagramthat the “prebiotics are not digestible by intestinal enzymes and arrive intact in the colon where they are used as an energy source by the bacteria of the intestinal microbiota”. The gastroenterologist advises, to stock up on prebiotics:

To avoid missing out, Doctor William Berrebi recommends consuming one of these foods every day.

According to the specialist, prebiotics, such as inulin, are present in dietary fiber. Therefore, to have a balanced intestinal microbiota, it is recommended to consume 30 g of pure fiber per day. It is possible to find it in different foods such as:

The digestion of dietary fiber by bacteria in the intestinal microbiota produces short-chain fatty acids, also called “post biotics”. A healthy microbiota ensures different functions in the body such as growth, satiety, the fight against pain, sensitivity to stress, control of inflammatory reactions, etc.


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