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Cognac: something new on the healthcare offering front at the Health Center

“But it remains good news, which will still contribute a little by easing the schedules of practitioners, which will thus open up some availability for residents who are still without a treating doctor. This goes beyond the fact that it is a new health offer that we really needed in the city,” underlines Géraldine Gordien, the deputy mayor in charge of solidarity, prevention and health.

This Thursday evening, October 3, the municipal council, meeting after a long vacancy of almost three months, voted, unsurprisingly unanimously, the creation of a new position within the health and prevention center, rue Camille Godard.

“We have a difficult milestone to overcome […] but we will achieve it, we will do everything for it.”

It validates the arrival of a pediatrician, Alexandra Hill, who started her activity (full-time) since the beginning of the month within this structure under municipal management where, on the medical side, three full-time general practitioners are currently employed. , three others on vacation for another full time in total., and a dermatologist.

On the administration side, two full-time contractual medical secretaries and a coordinating executive assistant, Valérie Favre, complete the staff.

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“A breath of fresh air, a plus for parents who will be able to refer their children (from 0 to 16 years) to him and who will no longer have to do so with our general practitioners, which will free up some places. Even if it will not answer everything obviously, it remains one more step in the fight against this desertification,” confides the latter.

1,053 patients already on the waiting list

This recruitment, concluded for a period ranging from 1 to 3 years renewable, is part of the development of a Center which has seen over the last nine months an increase in the number of patients of 6.18% compared to 2023 , or 4,927 as of today.

“And which has 1,053 on the waiting list, the figure for the month of September”, recalled Yannick Laurent, the finance assistant during the presentation of this point among the twenty on the agenda of this Back to School Council .

A figure set to rise further in Cognac with the cessation of the aforementioned practitioners, whose non-replacement has since left behind a large part of their respective patients, estimated, for each, around 1,000 people, or even more. Health galley slaves who came to join the cohort of hundreds of others already wandering throughout the territory of Grand Cognac.

“A real problem on which we are nonetheless carrying out a lot of in-depth work in partnership with all the practicing doctors in the area, the hospitals of Grand Cognac, the polyclinic, the CPAM and even the Order of Physicians, and which will ultimately pay, like the health center where we manage to regularly admit a few new patients all the same”, indicates Géraldine Gordien who wants to remain “positive”.

“We have a difficult milestone to pass in terms of general practitioners, in Cognac as in other communes of Grand Cognac and , but we will succeed, we are doing everything to”.

The Rouillac example?

To attract these rare gems who nevertheless seem to be avoiding Cognac, Jarnac too, where the quest is always unsuccessful, also in medical emergency with only two general practitioners and an intern stationed at the health center, thanks to Doctor Lafaye who has once again pushed back his retirement.

Less Hiersac on the other hand which has had a new one for a few months. And Rouillac which managed to recruit a fifth “while waiting to have two more next year”, announces its mayor Dominique Mancia.

The secret? “One of our doctors who has been working for years, an internship supervisor, who was really involved in this area as well as in the creation of our health center,” she confides. An involvement demonstrated by practitioners in Grand Cognac, when it was formerly less on the part of many of their now retired colleagues, particularly in Cognac which is paying the price today.

The renovation of the halls in question

The renovation of the covered market gave rise to a small debate, initiated by opposition councilor Danielle Jourzac. Not concerning the continuation of this project for which the Council voted for a new subsidy request for the execution of its tranche 2 (recovery of the frames), of €169,923 for a total cost of €463,800, but on the post-renovation of the structure. “It would be good to think now about reviewing a number of things so as not to have an empty shell in the future,” she called on the mayor. And to mention, among other things, “a review of installation conditions, opening times, a market of producers rather than resellers”. Tracks heard by Morgan Berger. “It will be for phase 3, we are already thinking about it. We will also meet with representatives of traders this week on this subject. The exterior appearance also needs to be studied. The duration of this phase 2, a year and a half, will give us the opportunity to take a closer look.”


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