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. Roses against breast cancer with the Lions-Club 3-Provinces and Pénélope

Feminine solidarity and not only that… because men can also be victims of breast cancer, even if the cases are rare (1). Saturday October 5, the Trois-Provinces Lions Club of will participate in Pink October by setting up, from 8 a.m., at the corner of the Old College, under the kindness of Pénélope.

The opportunity to present the famous but little-known sculpture by Bourdelle which poses in contrapposto (or chiasm or hipping), that is to say that the weight of the body rests on a single leg while the shoulder goes up.

The second particularity of this figure is the disproportion of the head, which is abnormally small in relation to the body, which reinforces the impression of robustness.

Third characteristic: two women are united in the same statue. The face is that of Stéphanie Van Parys, still Bourdelle’s wife when he created his work, but the crown of braided hair and her dress with large pleats were inspired by her young student Cléopatre Sévastos.

A beautiful symbol to admire this feminine work to fight against breast cancer by purchasing one or more roses and having a moving thought for Nicole Dardelou-Béziat, president 2023-2024 of the Lions Club of Trois-Provinces, who recently passed away after having fought for five years against cancer, the first of which was breast cancer.

(1) Men represent less than 1% of all breast cancers.

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