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Burn-out and professionals of the general interest: why and how to prevent it?

Professional burnout syndrome: a major challenge for the solidarity sector

The commitment of professionals in the general interest sector is often motivated by deep convictions and a desire to transform society; a relationship with work which can pose a certain number of challenges in reconciling a balance between professional and personal life. Added to this reality are parameters specific to the sector: ambitious battles, limited resources to be permanently secured, high expectations on the part of partners and beneficiaries which are often not tangible in the short or medium term… A set of factors and an intense involvement which can lead to a certain vulnerability.

When exhaustion and discouragement set in, it can be difficult to realize and accept it.

It is in this spirit that the Philanthro-Lab has joined forces with Christèle Galpin, executive coach certified, co-founder of Alfalfaz and expert partner of its programs to organize a morning dedicated to the prevention, understanding and destigmatization of burn-out in the associative environment.

This event will be an opportunity, thanks to the valuable testimonies of experts, project leaders and practitioners, to understand the mechanisms and signs of professional burnout, to benefit from a framework favorable to exchanges and to discover practical tools to preserve the balance of those who are committed to defending major societal causes.

Burn-out, brown-out: understanding to act better

How does the burn-out ? To fully grasp and understand this phenomenon, it is important to explore scientific and psychosocial perspectives while relying on personal experiences.

Better understanding professional burnout is key to preventing it effectively, and mastering organizational tools and individual prevention techniques becomes an essential asset. Did you know, for example, that physical activity could be a powerful ally against stress?

Address the subject of burn-out in the associative environment, it also raises deeper questions about this sector and the very nature of associative commitment.

Can it be both a path to emancipation and a source of alienation? What to do when missions and work schedules are subject to the challenges of the battles being fought? How can leaders and employers ensure that engagement does not come at the expense of the mental health of their teams?

These questions are crucial for the development and future of the voluntary sector and those who are committed to a fairer and more resilient society. They will be at the heart of the discussions this morning which will leave plenty of room for exchanges with the public.

More information here and practical information:

  • From 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on 10/16
  • At the Philanthro-Lab, 15 rue de la Bûcherie
  • Free registrations before 10/11 on this link (limited number of places)

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