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“It can save your life”, and yet breast cancer screening is declining

For twenty years, all women between the ages of 50 and 74 have been invited to have a breast cancer screening mammogram every two years. However, less than one in two do so. However, “this screening is an opportunity, it saves lives”, constantly insists Doctor Stéphane Cornélis, coordinating doctor at the regional cancer screening coordination center.

One in eight women will face breast cancer during their lifetime. But when detected early, the chances of recovery are 90%. Screening is therefore an essential act in the fight against this disease, which, with 60,000 new cases each year, remains the most common and deadliest cancer among women.

A real public health issue, the organized breast cancer screening program, widespread throughout the national territory since 2004, offers a mammogram every two years to all women aged 50 to 74 called “at average risk”. But to observe a significant reduction in mortality, 70% of the women invited would have to participate.

Breast cancer: better chances of cure and less burdensome treatments thanks to screening

Barely more than one in two women in Yonne

However, in 2022-2023, less than half of French women have completed this exam, with only 46.5% participation. After increasing until 2011-2012, participation in the program tends to decrease, for all age groups and all regions, and this has been even more pronounced since the Covid health crisis.

“In Yonne, we remain above the national average, with 53.3% participation,” reports Doctor Stéphane Cornélis, coordinating doctor at the regional cancer screening coordination center (CRCDC). Furthermore, the Burgundy Franche-Comté region is the one which obtains the best results in , at 54.1%. We are therefore not the worst, but it is still far from the objective. »

Doctor Stéphane Cornélis is a coordinating doctor at the regional cancer screening coordination center in Burgundy France Comté. Archive photo.

General decrease in the number of screenings

Especially since this participation tends, locally too, to decrease: “We unfortunately see a drop in screening activity compared to 2022, a campaign taking place over two years. The year 2024 will not be as good as 2022. We are still quite worried. Especially since I see no impact of Pink October: women are not having more mammograms following this mobilization…”

The obstacles to this examination still remain numerous and multifactorial. Women who do not participate frequently cite “fear of the examination and the results, the absence of symptoms”. “However, receiving this invitation to screening is an opportunity, we must be aware of it,” insists Doctor Stéphane Cornélis. This mail can save your life! »

premium “Treatments against breast cancer are increasingly targeted” according to Doctor Marc Espié, one of the most recognized specialists in France

With seven radiology centers and 22 radiologists, Yonne is rather well equipped: “We have the means to carry out all the screenings, and the deadlines remain very correct”, assures the doctor, who nevertheless notes some territorial disparities, “in Puisaye in particular, where the screening participation rate is much lower than elsewhere, or in the north of Sénonais.” In these sectors, the regional cancer screening coordination center carries out local actions to “reach out” to the populations concerned. “We try to preach the good word all year round. We really need to encourage women to get tested. The only thing they risk is saving their lives! »

Connected challenge, Pink Strides, solidarity marches, sports tournament… The program for Pink October in Yonne?

Cécile Carton


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