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“The more you eat these foods, the more you risk cancer, stroke, heart attack,” warns Dr. Cocaul

Prepared meals, aperitif biscuits, sweet drinks, etc. Processed foods are everywhere in our diet. But their consumption is not without health risks. As the Manger Bouger site points out, around 80% of these foods are classified C, D or E on the Nutri-Score. “If you buy mayonnaise sauce or yogurt, they are processed products. But you have products that are even more processed, these are the so-called ultra-processed products. It is in these products that additives, preservatives, etc. are added. We cannot consume it on a regular basis“, warns nutritionist Arnaud Cocaul.

This recommendation concerns cakes, industrial pizzas, cold meats with nitrites, flavored milk drinks, sweets, etc. “In this case, you have added salt, added additives, preservatives, etc. which will modify our digestive flora and which will be mistreated“. With what consequences for health? Dr Cocaul reports that consumption of these ultra-processed products increases the risk of developing cancers – in particular colon cancer – as well as more breast cancer, more cancers of the prostate, more neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. It also warns about “.the risk of developing hypertension, having strokes, suffering a heart attack or stroke. More risk of developing diabetes“.

VIDEO – Guillaume Coudray: “We must clearly tell consumers that there are products that promote colorectal cancer. This is the case with nitrated cold meats”

To limit the risk as much as possible, it is therefore recommended to reduce the consumption of these foods and to favor raw foods, favoring homemade foods. “Have common sense because the food industry is there to sell and not to take care of your health. So, these ultra-transformed products are eaten sparingly.“, concludes Dr. Cocaul.

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According to this study, not all ultra-processed products have the same impact on health

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