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“Life in Turquoise” raises awareness about ovarian cancer

“La Vie en turquoise”, published by Lézard des Mots, is a novel which delves into the life of a young woman full of vitality. Louise, 21, is caught in the turmoil of a devastating illness: ovarian cancer.

Throughout the pages, Elise Giraudau, her big sister, spreads love, pain and resilience. “The color turquoise symbolizes awareness of gynecological cancers. This is why my novel is called “Life in Turquoise”,” explains Elise.

An essential message for ovarian cancer prevention

This novel is particularly appealing through the message of prevention it conveys. Ovarian cancer remains, in fact, one of the most formidable gynecological cancers, mainly due to its late detection. Elise Giraudau wishes not only to pay tribute to her sister, but also to encourage women to be attentive to their bodies.

The first signs of ovarian cancer are often vague: abdominal pain, bloating, digestive or urinary problems. These symptoms are often ignored or associated with other less serious pathologies. “Be careful not to fall into paranoia. Having a check-up once a year with a gynecologist is already very good and seems essential to me,” she encourages.

In her book, Elise Giraudau also shows how difficult it is for patients and their families to talk about this type of cancer. Silence, out of modesty, often surrounds this illness. The author hopes that her book will help to free up speech on these still taboo subjects.


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