DayFR Euro

Wandering with “Memory smugglers”

It is an important part of Montaren’s heritage that Mireille Berthier presented during the stroll which led the numerous visitors from the town hall to the municipal center.

The history of Rue Principale, its evolution over the centuries, the businesses, the artisans who brought it to life… this is what the participants discovered with a few anecdotes of which Mireille has the secret.

It was then up to the Memory Passers to captivate the large audience by evoking various memories: holidays, village life, the war, school… Varied testimonies: readings of texts, extracts from videos, linked “live” interventions at more or less ancient times. Since the 1930s and until the end of the 1980s, several generations of village children have retraced more than half a century of daily life in Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers through their memories and their anecdotes.

An attentive audience, memory-bearers visibly happy to share their memories and an event brilliantly orchestrated by Mireille Berthier: a perfectly successful day!

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 70 36 83 32


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