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A world first. Against lung cancer, the major innovation of two researchers from


Thomas Rideau

Published on

Sep 28, 2024 at 8:14 a.m.

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Doctors from the Henri-Becquerel center in (Seine-Maritime) have just published a revolutionary study on the treatment of lung cancer in the Lancetthe major scientific journal which is authoritative in the field of medicine. At the origin of the study, a multitude of patients and researchers, but also two main editors : Professor Pierre Vera, general director and head of the nuclear medicine department and Professor Sébastien Thureau, onco-radiotherapist.

Personalized and less toxic radiotherapy

The two specialists had been working on the method of treating lung cancer with radiotherapy for 10 years. With one idea in mind, to show that in the case of inoperable lung cancer, using imaging makes it possible to increase the dose of radiotherapy in a targeted manner. And so, in fineof heal better
the patients.

In Rouen, there is expertise in the field of radiotherapy very clearly and at a global level.

Professor Pierre VeraHead of the nuclear medicine department

The challenge for the two professors was toaccelerate therapies . Basically, it involves taking very regular photos of the tumor and then very precisely adapting the rays that are sent into the body. “It is feasible and it is not toxic and there is a strong trend for it to be beneficialfor patients in terms of overall survival and in terms of recurrence-free survival,” explains Professor Vera to 76actu.

“We are the first to go up with a certain imagery it’s possible and it’s non-toxic,” he adds. “We spare healthy tissues much more. »

“An increasing trend in survival”

With this study published in the Lancet, the professor explains that the method “is proven, but it is also an opening to be tested in all other cancers and in all other hospitals in the world”.

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Above all, and in a very pragmatic way for the Henri-Becquerel center and Rouen patients, thanks to this work, a new machine will arrive in the Seinomarine center. A new tool, “the first in ”, which will make it possible to put into practice the study of Professors Vera and Thureau and “as it takes a long time to outline volumes [de la masse cancéreuse] what will do that is artificial intelligence.”

[Cette machine] will now allow patients to have appropriate radiotherapy. And that’s the whole problem with precision medicine. Individualize treatments. This is a major issue

Professor Pierre Vera

One hundred and fifty-eight patients participated in the study. And the teacher noticed that we “treated patients better and it was observed that there was an increasing trend in survival. »

This study funded by the State to the tune of one million euros will make it possible to better care for cancer patients. Valuable news. Especially since cancer is a disease that affects one in five peoplein the world.

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