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Call for applications 2025 – Labeling of research networks on cancers with poor prognosis – Calls for projects

Date of last update: 09/27/2024

In order to improve knowledge and propose new solutions to prevent and treat cancers with a poor prognosis, the National Cancer Institute is setting up a call for applications to promote and certify research networks of excellence specialized in these cancers. . This involves establishing a network by indication and synergizing expertise across the entire national territory. This second edition will make it possible to label up to two additional networks on two distinct indications.

This concerns, within the scope of this call for applications, the locations: liver, esophagogastric, central nervous system, and acute leukemia following transformation of a myeloproliferative syndrome or myelodysplasia. The pancreas and lung-pleura locations, already labeled during the first wave, are not eligible for this call for applications.

The objective is to accelerate the discovery of new scientific knowledge by bringing together the best research teams, so that they can structure themselves and carry out research work together to achieve innovations that will make it possible to meet the challenges posed by these cancers. poor prognosis (in terms of screening or early diagnosis, improvement of knowledge on the mechanisms of development of these cancers or escape from treatment, development of new treatments, etc.).

This second labeling should make it possible to stimulate multi-center structuring and coordination, to design and manage a national strategy and carry out an integrated fundamental and translational research program of excellence.

The objective is to consolidate efforts to structure fundamental and translational cancer research at the national level, by helping to establish a network bringing together the best research teams specialized in poor prognosis cancers (CMP), with sufficient critical mass. to improve knowledge.

To do this, the NETWORKS must:

  • constitute a federation of the best national fundamental and translational research teams on a CMP theme, associated with other expert teams in cross-cutting fields (bioinformatics, imaging, AI, etc.), and backed by existing structures such as cooperative intergroups, registers, Clinico-Biological Bases (BCB), etc.
  • establish a sustainable organization to design a strategy and carry out research projects, and therefore accelerate the discovery of new scientific knowledge on CMPs, while ensuring the continuum from fundamental research to clinical applications.


  • Access to the submission site from November 15
  • Submission deadline: December 10, 2024 – 4:00 p.m.
  • Audition of candidates: March-April 2025
  • Announcement of results: May 2025


Online submission via the PROJECTS Portal
Only the project coordinator can submit a file, after having created or activated a user account – the identifier is your reference email address.

Log in to the PROJECTS Portal


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