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A 5-year-old boy receives a liver transplant, donated by his school teacher

In New York, Ezra, a 5-year-old boy, received a liver transplant that he was desperately waiting for. The donor is none other than her former nursery school teacher.

A beautiful story. At 5 years old, Ezra Toczek has his life ahead of him thanks to a liver transplant, carried out in a hospital in New York (United States) when he suffered from liver damage since birth that led to a terminal illness. .

The little American boy knows his donor since it is his former teacher Carissa Fisher. The kindergarten teacher was perfectly compatible with her very young student.

“It gives me a sense of accomplishment. I am very happy to have been able to help him and, obviously, everyone is very happy that he is feeling better and that he is doing better,” she testified in comments relayed by the American site WBTV .

For his part, Ezra and his family are relieved and extremely grateful for the teacher’s gesture. For good reason, “The road was much longer than we thought for the initial recovery,” testified his mother.

The boy was released from a Manhattan hospital last week after surgery 45 days earlier. Her donor Carissa Fisher spent six weeks in New York before returning home to Alden at the end of August.

“It was a crazy, crazy journey. This is how I would explain it. It was fun, it was crazy and now I can’t wait for Ezra to come home so we can see each other again,” she said.

While the two families are now linked for life, they can’t wait to reunite, after the little boy’s convalescence, to celebrate this news.


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