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Organization of an Alzheimer’s disease awareness day

Chis day will highlight the importance of cognitive activities, such as chess, in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. In Morocco, around 200,000 people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, the majority of whom are women. According to estimates by experts in the field, this figure could double by 2050. Generally, this disease begins with disorders of recent memory and orientation. As it progresses, patients gradually lose their cognitive faculties and their autonomy. Although there is no curative treatment yet, solutions exist to slow its progression as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Committed to public health, Sun Pharma actively supports Alzheimer’s awareness initiatives.

Indeed, the event will put chess at the heart of its activities. This strategy game, known for its cognitive benefits, uses essential mental functions such as memory, attention and problem solving, abilities often affected by Alzheimer’s. Sun Pharma, which markets drugs that delay the progression of the disease, is banking on this activity to promote better prevention of cognitive disorders linked to aging.

Scientific studies show that playing chess continually stimulates the brain and helps prevent cognitive decline. By playing regularly, older adults can maintain their memory, capacity for anticipation and mental flexibility, all of which are essential for slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

In addition to chess, Maison Solidarité Alzheimer offers creative workshops such as drawing and painting, allowing participants to stimulate their minds while expressing themselves in a personal and artistic way. These activities offer moments of pleasure and sharing, strengthening the cognitive abilities of people with Alzheimer’s.

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