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Feel like you lost ten years after the holidays? It’s not just a feeling

Exposure to new environments may increase the body’s self-healing abilities and slow down the signs of aging, according to a study on the influence of tourism on health.

When Montaigne wrote in his Tests that “Travel broadens the mind“, he couldn’t have been more right. Discovering new cultures, adapting to new customs, hiking in other latitudes… So many activities that are worth all the anti-aging remedies, according to researchers at Edith Cowan University in Australia. “Forget retinol night creams. Travel may have health benefits, including slowing the signs of aging“, says Fangli Hu, co-author of a recent study on the influence of tourism on health.

Tourism is not just about leisure and relaxation. It can also contribute to physical and mental health, researchers say. […] It usually exposes people to new environments and relaxing activities. These new environments can stimulate stress responses and elevate metabolic rate, thereby positively influencing metabolic activities and the body’s self-organization capabilities. These contexts can also trigger an adaptive response of the immune system.»

Hiking, climbing, walking, cycling… These activities carried out during stays would also allow you to maintain good physical shape, in the same way as social interactions.Recreational activities can help alleviate chronic stress, reduce overactivation of the immune system, and promote normal functioning of the self-defense system. Recreation can release tension and fatigue in muscles and joints. This relief helps maintain the body’s metabolic balance“, notes doctoral student Fangli Hu. A good reason to dream of new horizons.

IN VIDEO – The interview: a psychiatrist’s advice for maintaining the benefits of vacations


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