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In Seine-et-, she raises the alarm about fetal alcohol syndrome


Julien Van Caeyseele

Published on

Sep 25, 2024 at 6:00 AM

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“The more we talk about it, the better the care will be…” The statement is signed Olga Eglina resident of Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) who co-chairs the region branch of the association Living with FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) with Veronique Faudou-Sourisse.

Fetal alcohol syndrome: a taboo subject

The association supports adoptive, biological or foster families concerned by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or the inherent syndrome. According to the figures presented by the association, one birth in 1,000 is affected in by this syndrome, which can lead to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

Seine-et-Marne intends to take advantage of this awareness month to break the taboo surrounding alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy. “There are sometimes surprise pregnanciesbut the recommendation is to stop consumption three months before conception, including for men,” emphasizes Olga Deglin.

The association’s credo: to raise awareness about this pathology to facilitate diagnosis and therefore treatment. “Alcohol can cause miscarriages, but also wreak havoc on children with invisible disabilities,” she insists, citing memory problems, vulnerability and dysfunctions of executive functions.

“Neurocognitive and behavioral disorders”

Olga Deglin was also affected after her son was adopted. The diagnosis could not be confirmed until he was 14 years old. “I want to appeal to parents,” she says. “It’s a difficult subject to address, but necessary.”

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The Vivre avec le Saf association offers individual support based on sharing information and providing support, as well as an awareness-raising component for professionals (health, law enforcement, justice), in schools to remind people of the specific needs of these children.

In order to disseminate information more widely during this awareness month, the association has published a video on Youtube. According to the association, at least half a million people live in France with undiagnosed and untreated disorders, “while they suffer from neurocognitive and behavioral disorders that will handicap them for the rest of their lives.”

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