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Whooping cough and Covid are circulating, but there is no cause for alarm

It’s not a return to square one, far from it, even if Covid is starting to be felt a little again.

In Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, at the emergency room of the Clinique du Parc, “it is starting to rise, but this is not resulting in hospitalizations,” indicates the communications department of the CHU. “We have also recently treated two cases of flu.”

At the Immediate Care Medical Center (CMSI) in Saint-Etienne, this return of the virus had rather been observed this summer with many young people infected with simple forms.

Falling temperatures = rising flu and Covid cases

“It has calmed down quite a bit, even though we are still welcoming young adults,” notes Dr. Xavier Poble, associated with the CMSI, who expects to have to deal, soon, “with the drop in temperatures, with cases of flu and Covid.”

Viruses that are likely to circulate at the same time as whooping cough, which has been spreading for months. The CMSI has also noted a resurgence of the disease. “In the twenty years that I have been practicing emergency medicine, I have never seen anything like this.”

“Vaccination is the only way to stop whooping cough”

In this pharmacy in La Marandinière, in Saint-Etienne, it was also noted that this disease made patients cough badly. “A few of them told us that they had bad memories of it,” said a pharmacist.

“It’s really a problem,” he adds. “Every time this happens, we suggest that pregnant women, families with babies around them, and also the elderly get vaccinated. It’s the only way to stop this phenomenon,” insists the pharmacist, who, on the other hand, has not really recorded a resurgence of coronavirus infections.

“Covid never went away”

“The last test I did was last Tuesday, and it was negative,” he says. “Covid is here, it has never left, and whatever the season, there are cases. We rarely see patients whose condition inspires concern. The virus is very tiring, like a bad flu. We will soon be relaunching the flu campaign associated with that of Covid with a shot, in each arm, to protect ourselves from it.”

At the switchboard of the CHU 15 center, the regulators have not received any calls specifically related to the virus. At SOS Médecins, there has also been no “increase in Covid cases beyond the usual trend, now for more than a year.”

“We test quite a few people”

“On the other hand, for whooping cough, there are more cases than we have seen in recent years, but nothing extraordinary,” adds SOS Médecins. “We test quite a few people who are mostly negative.”

In the hospital’s pediatric emergency room, where at the end of June 35 to 40% of its pediatric intensive care unit was occupied by whooping cough cases, “the epidemic is, in this month of September, stable.”


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