DayFR Euro

Cell phones and cancer: a reassuring study

Cell phones are everywhere in our lives, but are they dangerous to our health? Dr. Kierzek sheds light on the results of a recent study conducted by the WHO. Good news: there is no link between cell phone use and the development of brain cancer.

For more than ten years, fears surrounding the waves emitted by mobile phones have raised many questions. Classified in 2011 as “possible carcinogens” by the International Agency for Research on Cancercell phones have long been singled out. However, a meta-analysis commissioned by theWHO (World Health Organization) provides reassuring insight: No correlation has been found between prolonged exposure to cell phones and the occurrence of brain cancers. Of more than 250,000 users tracked for nearly seven years, the results are clear: Neither brain cancers, nor leukemias, nor salivary gland cancers have seen a significant increase.

Despite positive conclusions: some precautions to take

While these results are reassuring, some effects related to intensive use of mobile phones remain under study. Headaches, sleep and concentration disorders are often mentioned by users, although no formal link has been scientifically established.

As a precaution, it is advisable to adopt a few simple actions to reduce exposure:

  • Prefer SMS rather than calls;
  • Use a hands-free kit or the speaker to move the phone away from the head;
  • Avoid using the phone in areas with poor reception or in the elevator;
  • Don’t sleep with your phone near the head;
  • Choose one phone with a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).

Advice from Dr Gérald Kierzek

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