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These deodorant brands you should definitely not buy, according to 60 Million Consumers

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We can’t do without deodorant. This product is one of the daily essentials to complete our personal hygiene. However, they are not equal in effectiveness and side effects. 60 Million Consumers warns of the consequences of these brands that you should definitely not buy. Details on these dangerous products.

60 Million Consumers Sound the Alert

Everyone uses deodorant. 60 Million Consumers seeks to enlighten customers on which ones to buy and which ones to avoid. To conduct this study, the customer advocate put a good number of brands to the test. The market has so many deodorant products that it is difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.

The goal is to establish a ranking so that customers can find their way around. At the end of these tests, the verdict falls and reveals that several deodorants are not of good quality. Indeed, the ratings do not reflect what they claim. In addition, some include organic stamping. An aberration.

In all, 60 Million Consumers looked at 22 deodorants, including 8 certified organic references. Many of these samples come in roll-on format and others in aerosol form. 3 references are aimed at a very young audience, pre-teens aged 8 to 12.

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The 60 Million Consumers scale

To carry out his investigation, 60 Million Consumers has proven tools. When it comes to cosmetics, the magazine uses what it calls a Cosmetoscore. The principle is based on the same ones they use in a Food Nutriscore. The Cosmetoscore of 60 Million Consumers has 5 categories.

An A score means that the product meets the specification “without reserve of use”. It therefore does not carry any risk. A B score means that the customer must use the product in a reasonable manner.

A C score encourages the customer to use the product occasionally. It can also be a product that 60 Million Consumers advises to use in case of specific need. A score of D is equivalent to use not recommended. The magazine asks that users use the product in a spaced manner or for targeted needs.

The E score corresponds to the worst gradeThe magazine strongly advises against using the product. The reason for this is the composition of the product, which contains too many problematic substances.

The worst deodorants

60 Million Consumers gives a deodorant a bad rating for specific reasons. For these particular products, the worst ones had one thing in common: a very strong fragranceThis detail is intended to mask bad smells, but the magazine does not buy into it.

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On this level, Vichy won the race hands downbecause it does not contain any fragrance. The study of 60 Million Consumers also highlighted a salient fact. Of the 22 deodorants tested, those for men obtained the worst scores. For example, the brands Ax, Mennen, Brut And Florame all have a D or an E.

The magazine also urges consumers not to be fooled by the organic label. These brands claim to be green and natural, but they are not. Some brands dare to proclaim themselves organic and still contain polymers, silicones, quaternary ammoniums, EDTA

Generally speaking, 60 Million Consumers advises to avoid deodorants containing around 2% aluminum salt.


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