DayFR Euro

Faced with the invasion of mosquitoes, a certain helplessness

Every summer, it’s the same old story. A guest slips into the Jocondian gardens without being invited and the residents can’t take it anymore. The tiger mosquito has colonized several municipalities in the metropolis and Joué-lès- is no exception. This summer, two mosquito control operations were even carried out in the area, at the beginning of June and then at the end of August 2024. They followed the one in October 2023.

“It’s a pressing issue, but we don’t feel cursed. We’re like many other local communities that are faced with the tiger mosquito and its proliferation.notes the mayor, Frédéric Augis. We are asked to renature cities but we should not allow the fauna and flora to return. There is ambivalence on this subject.”

“We don’t know how to treat it in general”

The mayor says “understand the inhabitants. I am not spared at home either. Like everyone else, I try miracle products that do not work. Today, we do not know how to treat in a general and global way. There is no method, or it is very expensive and we do not know the real effectiveness”adds Frédéric Augis.

Powerlessness is therefore the order of the day. And for mosquito control operations, it is the State and the Regional Health Agency (ARS) that have the upper hand. They are only triggered when an imported case of dengue, Zika or chikungunya is observed. The operation then aims to kill adult mosquitoes to break the chain of transmission.


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