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South Africa: Rabies epidemic detected in seals

After multiple attacks on people by seals, scientists have conducted tests that have discovered a source of rabies in seals, a first. Now, they are trying to eradicate the virus.

At least 24 fur seals found dead or euthanized. In Cape Town, South Africa, scientists say they have identified several cases of rabies in seals. A first among marine mammals.

Rabies, which affects mammals, can also be transmitted to humans. It is fatal in the majority of cases and can strike as soon as the first symptoms appear. This virus, which is transmitted through saliva, has long been observed in wild animals such as raccoons, coyotes, foxes and domestic dogs. However, it has never been reported in marine mammals.

“We don’t really know where and when these infections started. About two and a half years ago, we noticed an increase in the aggression of seals towards people. It increased dramatically. We have been monitoring this closely and trying to find out the cause. Last May, we tested four seals for rabies and three of them tested positive.”says Gregg Oelofse, Cape Town’s coastal director.

After the confirmation of this outbreak of rageSouth African scientists are now trying to determine the origin of the virus. The most likely theory is that it was infected by jackals in Namibia, where these animals hunt seal pups on the coast. Experts are now working on vaccinating seals to eradicate the virus. An operation that promises to be quite complex.


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