DayFR Euro

Vertigo, hearing loss, nausea: the unexpected diagnosis

In , the daily life of Dr. Marco Peroni, a neurologist, took an unexpected turn when he crossed paths with a 40 year old patient. Having been established for several years, Dr. Peroni did not expect to find himself faced with a medical enigma of such complexity. A patient “not like the others”, as he describes her.

In the space of a few months, the state of This woman, who had been in good health until then, suddenly deteriorated after landing. “She started to feel dizzy, have vision and hearing problems,” says Dr. Peroni. The symptoms accumulate, but the diagnosis is slow to become clear.

“When she came to see me, she had already suffered three surgeries for supposed inner ear problems,” explains the neurologist. However, the operations have not brought any improvement. The visual disturbances and dizziness persist, making the patient’s life unbearable.

The patient, determined to find an answer, multiplies the consultations. “She didn’t want to give up and insisted on getting another opinion.”recalls Dr. Peroni. Finally, another diagnosis is considered. Intrigued by the atypical symptoms, the neurologist decides to investigate further. After 12 years of medical wandering, this new opinion will change everything…

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