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Angoulême: they play pétanque to forget their prostate cancer

The concept is quite new: the “petanque moustache”… Without waiting for the month of November, and its traditional campaign of screening for male cancers, the Angoulême hospital center organized, this Thursday, a pétanque tournament between patients currently undergoing treatment, former patients, and nursing staff from the radiotherapy center. against prostate cancer. To experience a moment of relaxation, and to allow the freedom of speech. The atmosphere was one of good humor. The tournament was organized by two radiotherapy center technicians, Emeline Ménard and Elisabeth Teulade, to encourage patients to talk about their illness, in a less “medical” context than the radio sessions.
Prostate cancer screening is recommended for all men over 50.

Each triplet consisted of two patients and a caregiver, for ten-point games © Radio


Welcoming participants at the entrance to the radiotherapy center and the two pétanque courts © Radio France

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