DayFR Euro

Why Bad Weather Can Impact Your Sleep

Sleep is very important to stay physically and mentally healthy. If you sleep poorly, you risk being tired (obviously), but also more stressed, more irritable and more prone to weight gain. In Belgium, however, sleep problems are very widespread, ranging from difficulty falling asleep to pure insomnia.

How does bad weather impact sleep?

The first thing is that bad weather will impact our mental wellbeing. “These mood swings can impact the quality of our sleep and can contribute to issues like insomnia or oversleeping,” sleep expert Max Kirsten tells Stylist UK.

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The lack of light will in fact disrupt our biological rhythm, thus impacting our levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone.


“This can lead to difficulty falling asleep or waking up at the desired times. Exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, helps regulate melatonin production. Decreased sunlight during gloomy weather can lead to decreased melatonin production, affecting the body’s ability to signal that it’s time to sleep,” the expert continues.

To solve the problem, it is advisable to expose yourself to as much daylight as possible and maintain a regular sleep schedule.

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