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Information stands in Saint-Raphaël for World Alzheimer’s Day

World Alzheimer’s Day is being celebrated in the region by the Estérel-Côte d’Azur urban community.

Its health, vaccination and prevention service organizes several free meetings throughout the year to support the region’s residents.

This Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., health professionals who are experts in this pathology will offer help and advice to families.

And it is the Villa Santé, a new day center in Saint-Raphaël (see our edition of April 30, 2024), which was chosen to welcome the population and raise awareness.

Several information stands will provide an update on patient support systems.

Making it possible to stay at home

Everyone will be able to ask questions, particularly about the first signs of the disease, its progression, associated disorders, good reactions, the respite platform, by meeting specialists who work daily for people with Alzheimer’s.

Two conferences will complete the program with the first from 9:30 a.m., on the theme “making it possible to stay at home, or even restore people’s autonomy”, will be hosted by Jean-Claude Gion, occupational therapist, and Mathis Taulane, psychomotor therapist.

At 11:30 a.m., Charlotte Kosher, head of the support unit at the Fréjus communal social action center, and Caroline Laurent, psychologist at the Les Libellules day center at the Jean-Lachenaud health establishment, will explain to the public how to react when faced with the problems of a loved one.

Admission is free for all and no prior registration is necessary. Refreshments, welcome coffee and snacks will be offered from 9 am. Villa Santé is located at 500, boulevard Delli-Zotti, in Saint-Raphaël.

Partners and professionals will be gathered in the large room on the ground floor to meet the needs of residents, to raise awareness of the actions developed in the urban area and the medical and social support services available for patients with Alzheimer’s and related diseases as well as for caregivers, who are always in high demand.

Devices adapted to each stage of the disease can, in fact, be put in place, as well as legal protection measures.

The Alzheimer association and the Var department, via its autonomy department and the departmental house for carers, are participating in this World Alzheimer’s Day in Saint-Raphaël.

A growing need for caregivers

Community agents will be available “to provide information on the various support and respite platforms available in the department, such as the Maison départementale des aidants, run by the Var department, a place of reception, information, guidance, listening and training open to Var carers”.

The department positions itself as “leader in social action, major player in solidarity and support for vulnerable people in the region”.

He reaffirms his “desire to develop an ambitious and inclusive social policy, allowing everyone to live with dignity and autonomy. To meet the growing needs of family caregivers in the context of this pathology, the Departmental House of Caregivers is organizing a training session for the second year. In November and December of this year, five half-days of training (1) will be led by the psychologist and the president of the France Alzheimer Var association”.

1. Information and registration at or


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