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HPV vaccination campaign in colleges in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Why an HPV vaccination campaign in schools?

In , the HPV vaccine is recommended in the vaccination schedule since 2006 for girls and 2021 for boys.

Despite thevaccine effectiveness And its very high security profile (more than 400 million doses distributed worldwide), vaccination coverage in France remains insufficient: 55% for 15-year-old girls and 26% for boys (complete diagram – 2023 figures).

These rates do not allow us to reach the level required to reduce the circulation of HPV viruses – and therefore the circulation of associated cancers.

United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Canada… These countries have implemented vaccination in schools and obtained vaccination coverage rate greater than 80%.

It is based on this observation that the ministries responsible for health and national education launched a school vaccination campaign in September 2023.

Results of the 2023-2024 HPV vaccination campaign

In 2023, across the whole of France, more than 110,000 5th grade studentse were vaccinated during the school vaccination campaign. More than 300,000 adolescents of the same age were vaccinated in the city (by a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, etc.) (latest estimates provided by Public Health France).

In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, vaccination coverage increased significantly in 2023, with a gain of 6.7 points among 15-year-old girls and coverage that doubled among boys of the same age compared to 2022.

In the region, these are 11,525 5th grade students received a first dose and 9,730 a 2nd dosee dose, as part of the 2023-2024 school vaccination campaign (out of 100,000 5th grade studentse).

A vaccination campaign, with a new organization for 2024-2025

For the 2024-2025 school year, the ARS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Rectorate have decided to extend the vaccination campaign to all 11-14 year olds – and not just to 5th grade students.e.

Given the number of students concerned, the vaccination will be organized over 2 years:

  • the first injection will take place in the 2024-2025 school year;
  • the second one year later.

When will the HPV vaccination campaign take place in schools?

Most departments in the region will begin the school vaccination campaign on 1er quarter of 2025, time for the vaccination teams to organize themselves.

This page will be regularly updated with the campaign start dates in each department.

It is the schools that inform parents of the vaccination dates in their establishment.

How to get your child vaccinated?

The departmental delegations of the ARS, in conjunction with the departmental vaccination centers or the structures responsible for this campaignare recruiting teams of health professionals. These teams will travel to colleges, according to a schedule defined in conjunction with the heads of establishments.

Previously, the parents of the students concerned will receive a letter explaining the process. If they wish their child to be vaccinated as part of this campaign, they will have to sign parental authorization in line or on paper, to be sent to the establishment.

Children will be vaccinated after agreement of both parents within the college.

HPV vaccination is recommended, but not mandatory.

If parents and their affected child have any questions, they can contact their doctor, pharmacist, nurse or midwife.

On the day of vaccination, the child must present their vaccination record or health record.

The cost of vaccination in schools is fully covered.

If it is not possible to get vaccinated at school, the child can get vaccinated by a local health professional: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives. In this case, health insurance covers 65% of the vaccination and mutual insurance companies generally reimburse the remaining cost for the user.

As part of the vaccination catch-up beyond the age of 15, 3 doses are necessary but this catch-up can only be done by a health professional, outside of the vaccination campaign in colleges.

Infections preventable thanks to a safe and effective vaccine

Human papillomavirus infections, more commonly known as HPV, are highly transmissible: 80% of the population has been in contact with this virus. Vaccination is recommended from the age of 11 to 14 for optimal protection, with the possibility of catching up beyond this age group.

While the majority of infections disappear within a few months, some (10%) can develop into cancers, precancerous lesions, genital warts (condylomas).

The National Cancer Institute estimates that HPV is responsible for 6,400 cases of cancer per year in France (cervical, anal, vulvar, vaginal, ENT cancers, etc.)

Gold :

  • in 60% of cases, infection occurs at the beginning of sexual activity, hence the vaccination recommendations,
  • A vaccine – effective and safe – exists: it protects against 90% of papillomaviruses which cause these cancers.

Vaccinating your child against HPV today therefore means offering them protection against cancers in adulthood.


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