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Revel. Priority health projects under consideration

After having initiated a health diagnosis in the territory of the community of communes, the representatives of the Local Health Control (CLS) presented the results and the courses of action to the residents last week.

Concepcion Sichi, coordinator of the CLS, and Jérôme Garcia, intercommunal councilor delegated to health, thus revealed the priority projects for the community of communes. Several avenues of action will be studied, such as solidarity transport, more support for caregivers, better identification of isolated people, faster appointments with certain specialists, training in first aid in mental health, etc. So many actions to be carried out that are currently under study. The CLS thus aims to better coordinate the initiatives of health stakeholders. “We are not replacing the medical profession, but we support projects that have territorial value,” clarified Jérôme Garcia. Laurent Hourquet, mayor of Revel and president of the intercommunality, recalled that the “real challenge is to communicate information to the population.”

Already, health professionals were able to discover tools that they did not know, during these public meetings. And to bring up common problems for certain professionals, associations, who do not necessarily discuss usually.

The elected officials are aiming for around twenty actions to be carried out within a year and a half. “We need to look for actions that are achievable, not utopian,” summarized Laurent Hourquet.

This CLS will be signed with the Regional Health Agency (ARS) on October 29. Yesterday, the ARS delegations of Tarn and Haute-Garonne met in Revel to take stock of the different CLS of the two departments.


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