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. Why a giant Purpan logo was drawn on this lawn


Guillaume Laurens

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 8:14 p.m.

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It measures almost four times the pitch of the Toulouse Stadium! Unmissable from the sky, a huge logo “Purpan” has recently been enthroned near the famous engineering school eponymous. The establishment has in fact sown, in sorghum red and white, three hectares of a plot of land which has nine, located just under the air corridor… And this is obviously not due to chance.

An XXL nod to the world congress… of higher education

With this initiative, the Purpan engineering school intended to highlight “the importance it attaches to international affairs”, even though from Tuesday 17 to Friday 20 September 2024, the Toulouse metropolitan area is hosting the largest congress ever hosted in the Ville rose: that of the EAIEEuropean Association for International Education, which brings together at the Meett approximately 6,500 higher education professionals from more than 90 countries.

It is therefore on this occasion that the engineering school has “decided to make an impression even before the arrival of the delegates”, for whom it will be “impossible to miss this natural poster (…) before their landing at Toulouse- airport”. All passengers will also be able to see it “until the harvest”.

A scale never seen before in Toulouse

“International is fundamental for us and we have known how to develop it and make our students benefit from it for a very long time,” explains Eric Latgégeneral director of the Purpan engineering school. “We decided to materialize it by creating a logo on a scale never seen before in Toulouse.”

For this, as an engineering school that deals in particular with life sciences and biodiversity, it seemed important to us to work on living things. Purpan was therefore written, over the weeks, in Sorghum, whose beautiful red color is quite close to that of our school’s logo.

Eric Latgé
Director General of the Purpan Engineering School
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Purpan, a school of international stature

While Toulouse is the world capital higher education for four days, the Purpan engineering school recalls that it is “in active contact with 176 partners in a fifty countries on five continents.”

International exposure is an integral part of the students’ curriculum, including stays of several months abroad (internships, university courses or international solidarity missions).

Purpan Engineering School

A choice assumed by the establishment, which “notes each year how much these devices contribute to developing open-mindedness of its students and prepare them for an international career.”

An “agricultural performance” achieved in three phases

To shape this huge logo, different teams were mobilized: on the site of Lamothe (farm of the engineering school), but also on the site of Toulousewithin the environmental and digital sciences (remote sensing), plant sciences and agronomy departments, and in the communications department. “Three phases were necessary for the realization of this agricultural performance”, details the establishment.

First of all, it was a question of preparing the meadow with the arrival of transhumance heifers from Lamothe for several months. Then, the ground was plowed before being sown with red sorghum for the letters and white for the background last May.

Purpan Engineering School

Finally, as the engineering school points out, this operation promotes “the combination of several areas of expertise and the use of cutting-edge technologies: satellite mappingdevice of automatic tractor guidance and electric piloting of the satellite seeding. Huge program!

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