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Science Festival: Conference “Improving patients’ daily lives through innovative and collaborative solutions”

Working with and for patients and caregivers to meet their needs quickly and effectively: this is the mission of the Care Lab, a participatory innovation unit of the Brain Institute. Patients, clinicians, designers and engineers develop solutions together to improve the quality of life of patients, children, adolescents and adults, suffering from neurological and psychiatric diseases.

Come and discover the behind the scenes of this original research in the service of health during a conference organized on the occasion of the Fête de la science, on October 4, 2024 at the Institut du Cerveau.

Beyond the search for new treatments for neurological and psychiatric diseases, the Brain Institute works every day to improve the care and daily lives of patients. The Care Lab is a care innovation unit specializing in neurology and psychiatry created in 2015 by the Brain Institute and AP-HP. The Care Lab aims to imagine, co-design, prototype and test in the field physical or digital products to meet concrete needs in the care pathway.

Researchers, clinicians, patients and designers work together to define, develop and create innovative tools that promote, for example, the autonomy of patients after leaving hospital or support from their loved ones.

During this conference, you will discover concrete examples of devices developed under the auspices of the Care Lab, such as solutions used during workshops for children to promote dietary diversification in a fun way, a digital solution encouraging the practice of sports activities for people with epilepsy and involving those around them, and finally a learning game developed by researchers at the Institut du Cerveau which allows us to understand the cognitive bases of creativity.

Join us on Friday, October 4, 2024 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Brain Institute (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, 83 bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 ) to attend this conference.

Event free but registration OBLIGATORY:


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