DayFR Euro

. Mental disorders: Unafam offers art therapy to caregivers in Aveyron

the essential
Six free sessions are offered from September 28 at the Maison des associations

Inviting the family caregiver of a person suffering from mental disorders to take care of them, to find a certain anchoring: this is the proposal of Unafam (National Union of Families and Friends of Mentally Ill and/or Disabled People) which is offering six art therapy sessions, starting this September 28. It is drawing on the experience of Stéphanie Blanquet, a certified art therapist.

“This concerns caregivers who work every day alongside people who have addictions, OCD, who are anorexic, etc. It affects a lot of people, to tell the truth. People who often suffer a form of stigmatization in relation to the illness of the person they support and who, in addition, forget themselves. It’s a bit of a double punishment… And that’s without mentioning all those who don’t realize that they are caregivers.”breathes Stéphanie Blanquet, who will therefore lead a series of six art therapy sessions, on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Maison des associations.

Why art therapy? Creativity allows you to take charge of your life. To think about your own project”, she said. She also wants to make this moment a time that promotes social bonds, which is why “carers” will be invited to participate in all six sessions. “So that these people, who speak the same language because they experience the same things, can also meet. Take that time.”

Relaxation, relaxation, letting go will serve as the framework for these sessions during which Stéphanie Blanquet will use plastic art, body expression (breathing movement), clay writing, photo language and culinary mediation to successfully complete this special time.

She herself, after a first life in the world of publishing, lived a second in the world of cooking and is in a way living her third life in art therapy! Suffice to say that she has a great range of tools to encourage creativity and take those little side steps that allow caregivers to start off on the right foot!

This series of six sessions is reserved for a maximum of twelve people. It is offered by Unafam, therefore, and financed by the departmental council. Information and registration at 07 77 38 96 00. The sessions will take place on Saturdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Maison des associations.


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