The Ecologists – Réunion (EELVR) express their deep concern about a resumption of the chikungunya epidemic. While the department faces an exceptional drought linked to climate change, the virus continues to spread on our island. More serious, for half of the diagnosed cases, no direct link with a source of contamination has been established, a probable sign of endemicity which raises fears of a rapid increase in the incidence of this vector-borne disease which in the not-so-distant past has affected a third of our population and left painful memories (Photo:
Since Monday January 13, 25, the State services (Prefecture and ARS) as announced have triggered level 3 of the ORSEC “Arboviroses” system, which corresponds to the circulation of a “low intensity” epidemic.
Les arboviruses:
As a reminder, arboviruses include all vector-borne diseases. The transmission of these diseases, including chik and dengue in Reunion, occurs via infected mosquitoes. In fact, naturally the mosquito is not infectious, but becomes so by biting a sick person, and an infected person becomes contaminating for mosquitoes at the moment when the virus is present in his blood, that is to say during the viremic phase of infection.
So, the mosquito transmits the virus to humans, but the reverse is also true, humans can transmit the virus.
The context:
The tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, exhibits great ecological plasticity. It has a rather astonishing ease of adaptation to various environmental conditions, which allows it to colonize new territories… It is even capable of temporarily stopping its development (diapause), during winter periods in more or less temperate climate zones. .
As we have seen, the chik virus was not eradicated during our southern winter, and the exceptional drought that our island has experienced since the change of season has not slowed the spread of the virus. Consequently, the risk of an epidemic explosion can be feared with the arrival of the rains, according to the meteorological services, from mid-January.
What prevention?
Larval breeding sites, places for laying eggs, are most of the time anthropic in nature, that is to say created by man. While it is regularly observed that certain residents continue to create risky situations in their environment (water containers: saucers, pots, vases, etc.), the same is true in public spaces (piles of plant waste, tires, etc.). unsanitary gullies, gutters, bulky rubbish, illegal dumps, wrecks, cemeteries, etc.).
Another aspect concerning mosquito control: given the risk for wildlife from products sprayed in nature, the question arises of preferentially using larvicides rather than adulticides. In addition, it is less expensive and less polluting.
At this low-intensity epidemic stage, prevention agents in the territory should already be visible and in full action in all neighborhoods, information spots should be broadcast in the media, on social networks and in mailboxes , the most disadvantaged population should be able to benefit, from the CCAS, from vouchers for the acquisition of mosquito nets for each member of the family, methods to protect themselves and their loved ones should be widely disseminated. Among these, the use of natural techniques and products (for example based on geranium and lemongrass) constitutes a first preventive measure. Then come the reflexes to regularly remove mosquitoes from your environment (indoors, outdoors / private and professional), the recommendations in favor of wearing loose and long clothing, but especially in natural fibers which do not adhere to the skin, and, of course , the importance of consulting at the first symptoms.
A statement:
-Truly effective repellents are expensive to purchase (the virus is able to resist by adapting) and they are potentially toxic. The molecules contained in mosquito repellent products are not neutral, they can be as dangerous as pesticides. The most widely distributed insect repellent sold in pharmacies or supermarkets is in fact a chemical product designed to be applied directly to the skin; it acts by preventing biting insects from smelling us. However, studies have shown that it can cause skin and respiratory reactions, and in rare cases, neurological complications.
For these reasons, their use is not recommended for pregnant women and children.
In a written question to the Government on December 24, MP Perceval Gaillard drew the attention of the Minister of Health and Access to Care to the need to make the chikungunya vaccine reimbursable in Reunion. This vaccine, XCHIQ, now available on medical prescription in pharmacies at a price of 150 euros, provides protection for 3 years. If the question of its reimbursement is well under study at the level of the High Authority of Health and Social Security, the deputy insisted on the urgency of this measure in view of the current situation which is deteriorating day by day .
Priority target audience
Feedback from the recent chik (2005-2006) and dengue (2015 – 2017 – 2018) health crises serves as a basis for our actions at the health and social levels. These actions must target vulnerable populations as a priority, be carried out locally on the ground, but also and above all with institutions: State, communities, associations, etc. It is not excluded that with the arrival of the rains we will quickly move to level 4 of the ORSEC system, as was the case in July 2018.
In terms of prevention, while full coverage of costs for PEC contracts is obviously essential, it nevertheless remains generally insufficient. More than ever, it is necessary, in anticipation, to mobilize the actors and structures involved in public health, environment and waste management.
Without a doubt, it is in precarious neighborhoods, where the populations most at risk are found, because they are faced with social and socio-economic vulnerabilities, that there is an urgent need to guarantee the healthiest possible environment; that is to say, the places where more than half of Reunion Islanders live!
– A new stage is therefore beginning in the management of this crisis. To avoid the most damaging consequences, Ecologists are emphasizing this new challenge which is imposed on everyone in order not to suffer the repercussions of a possible resumption of the surge in the numbers of sick people and deaths.
– With 90% less precipitation for the month of December alone and the prospect of an imminent return of rain, i.e. in a few days, the responses to this major risk situation cannot be done in silos (following municipalities, communities, stakeholders, contamination zones, etc.).
– Environmentalists are calling for a global strategic vision defining, under the aegis of State services, for our entire territory and with all stakeholders, the means to be deployed according to priorities.
Readers’ Letters