The majority of French people don’t like winter. We are often more tired. Low light in winter can affect our physical and mental fitness. Lack of sunlight can lead to a vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin, remember, is synthesized by the skin under the action of the sun’s rays.
It contributes to bone strength. She helps us to brave the winter viruses by ensuring the proper functioning of our immune system. But what we know less is that it also allows our brain to function well and that it is involved in the regulation of mood. Vitamin D deficiency can cause irritability and fatigue.
However, it is estimated that at least 70% of French people have a vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin is found in fatty fish, eggs, enriched dairy products… but food is generally not enough to cover its needs.
Supplement with vitamin D
The psychiatrist, Marine Colombel therefore advises taking supplements in winter. She also recommends paying attention to your omega-3 intake. Around 90% of the French population is deficient in omega-3. Gold, These essential fatty acids are components of our neurons. They also affect our mood.
If we lack it, we can feel more tired, more anxious. It is mainly found in fatty fish, salmon, trout, sardines and mackerel. Consume twice a week, favoring small, less contaminated fish.
Expose yourself to daylight and walk as soon as possible
To stay in shape in winter, what else can you do? Go out to expose yourself to the light even if the weather is overcast. This allows us to reset our biological clock, explains the psychiatrist.
If your schedule does not allow it and you lack enthusiasm, the psychiatrist advises expose yourself to a light therapy lamp, at high intensity, at least 10,000 lux. For example 30 minutes every morning for two or three weeks. Staying locked up, being sedentary, all of this takes a toll on your dynamism.
Walk as soon as possible
It is therefore important to keep moving in winter. If the weather is really bad, you can practice physical activity indoors. And otherwise, walking as soon as possible is excellent for physical and mental health. This helps you relax and improves morale.
A recent analysis of several studies bringing together a total of 96.000 participants has just shown that the more we walk each day, the fewer depressive symptoms we have. If we even do 1,000 additional steps per day, we reduce our risk of depression by 9%.
Last tip for maintain your energy and morale in winter, don’t isolate yourself too much, even if the temptation of plaid and Netflix series is strong. Of course, we can slow down, but it is good for morale to continue to maintain social connections. Enjoy your family and friends and plan activities with them – You can do lots of things even in winter! – it is an excellent defense against seasonal fatigue and depression.
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