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Heba Press. Agencies
A recent study found that carrots can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve gut bacteria, and therefore could be used in the future to treat type 2 diabetes and regulate blood sugar levels.
The researchers, who conducted the study at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark and recently published in the journal Clinical & Translation Science, found that carrots can improve the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and positively influence the composition of the intestine. bacteria.
According to the same source, carrots contain biologically active compounds that improve the ability of cells to absorb sugar, thus helping to regulate blood sugar levels.
He added that these biologically active substances derived from unsaturated fatty acids are also found in other vegetables such as parsley, celery and parsnips.
“We see carrots as a potential component of future dietary strategies for type 2 diabetes,” said study co-author Lars Borskjaer Christensen.
It should be noted that globally, more than half a billion people suffer from diabetes, with increasing rates of type 2 diabetes in most countries, and this increase is attributed to lifestyle changes, to increasing obesity rates and the aging of the population.