In his Carpentras office, Sébastien Adnot, general practitioner, takes the time to answer his patients’ questions about the new vaccination schedule. “This morning I received a mother and her baby. She was worried. I took the time to chat, to explain to him.“The reason for this concern? New compulsory vaccines for infants since January 1, 2025 for better protection against meningococcal meningitis, “very serious illnesses“, according to Sandra Brancato, pediatrician in Gard.
What are meningococci?
It is a family of bacteria that causes very dangerous and contagious meningitis, mainly in children and adolescents. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord. It manifests itself in particular by a high fever, a stiff neck and kills a patient devastatingly if it is not treated. And even when it is, mortality remains 10%, not to mention frequent after-effects: amputation, cognitive disorders, deafness, etc.
What is changing?
From now on, ACWY and B meningococcal vaccinations are compulsory for infants. “Their immune system is fully capable of coping with it“, assures Doctor Sébastien Adnot. There may be a catch-up for older children. “Children born after January 2018 and who received an anti-meningococcal C dose may receive a single catch-up ACWY dose.“, confirms Sandra Brancato.