If you are experiencing intestinal transit problems, it may be because of this bad habit you have developed. For specialists, it is your number 1 enemy.
Taking care of your gut health is very important. For this, diet plays a major role. Despite everything, although we pay attention to what we put on our plate, it sometimes happens that we are still constipated. If this kind of episode can happen to anyone, the problem is chronic for some, especially women and the elderly.
Several external factors can be responsible for frequent constipation, but there may be something that makes the situation worse. This is a habit shared by many which seems very banal, but which has real consequences according to experts.
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The thing not to do for a good transit
In an interview with the media Eating WellAndrew Moore, head of the gastroenterology department at Swedish Hospital in Seattle in the United States, explained what the worst thing to do was. “Don’t ignore the urge to go to the bathroom. This will lead to harder stools which will be more difficult to pass afterwards.”, he explained. If you find yourself holding back because you hate public toilets or don’t dare go to them at work, this is a big mistake since it could lead to chronic constipation.
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As noted by gastroenterologist and assistant professor at New York University Rabia A. De Latour, The moment when our brain sends the signal that our body is ready to have a bowel movement doesn’t last forever. This is why you may no longer want to go to the bathroom after waiting too long, whatever the reason. In the event that this situation becomes too frequent, the body adapts and will potentially ignore this sensation and therefore lead to rarer bowel movements. Let us add that the more the stools remain in the rectum when they are ready to be evacuated, the more the water they contain is absorbed. They therefore become harder and difficult to eliminate.
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Other tips from specialists
In cases of constipation, one of the first things to do is undoubtedly to make sure that you are hydrate throughout the day. Along with that, it can also be beneficial to eat more fiber. They are very useful for intestinal health, but also to help with regular and easy-to-pass stools. Finally, “regular physical activity, even as simple as walking, can help stimulate your bowel and make your bowel movements more regular” said Andrew Moore.
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While experts give these three recommendations to help combat constipation, they emphasize that‘there are other things not to do like spending more than ten minutes in a row on the toilet to avoid weakening the pelvic floor muscles. This can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids and even incontinence. To avoid this, specialists advise not taking your phone with you when you go to the toilet to avoid spending hours there.
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