Two months after the launch of the national campaign, where is vaccination against flu and Covid-19 in Hauts-de-France? Elisabeth Lehu from the Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency answers questions from France Bleu Nord.
“Over the last week, we have seen a slight increase in vaccinated people: we are now at 4 out of 10 people targeted by the recommendations who are vaccinated”said this Monday on France Bleu Nord Elizabeth Die from the Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency, while the circulation of influenza has increased Santé Publique France to move the region into “epidemic phase” in its latest bulletin, published on December 11.
An effective vaccine “within ten days”
To protect people considered most likely to develop serious forms, Health Insurance, like every year, sent vouchers allowing target audiences to be vaccinated free of charge, both against the flu and against the coronavirus. .
“There is always time to get vaccinated since the epidemic often begins in December and ends at the end of January, beginning of February, or even a little later”continues Elisabeth Lehu, guest this Monday from France Bleu Nord, who continues: “By protecting yourself now, we can actually avoid worsening the epidemic. The vaccine is effective within ten days, which means that for the end of year celebrations, you will be protected and above all you will protect those around you , and in particular the most vulnerable people.”
The ARS reminds that vaccination against seasonal flu and vaccination against Covid-19 are both recommended for people aged 65 and over ; people with chronic illness (cardiovascular, pulmonary, diabetes, etc.); immunocompromised people ; people with severe obesity and pregnant women. Vaccination is also recommended for those close to these vulnerable people (family, home help, etc.) as well as for health professionals.
For the flu, vaccination, possible at your GP, in a pharmacy, with a nurse or midwife, is 100% covered by Health Insurance for people at risk. upon presentation of the care voucher received at home and the vital card. For those concerned who have not received or misplaced the invitation letter from Health Insurance, a care voucher can be issued by a city health professional after ensuring eligibility. Children aged 2 to 10 can be vaccinated, without a care voucher, by going to a doctor or midwife. Those aged 11 to 17 can be vaccinated by the healthcare professional of their choice. The vaccine is covered by Health Insurance at 65%.
For Covid-19, vaccination is 100% covered by Health Insurance for the entire population.