Shingrix, the vaccine which helps prevent the appearance of shingles 8 times out of 10, is now reimbursed for those over 65 and immunocompromised adults. These two target groups are most at risk of developing shingles. The Shingrix costs 300 euros.
This is good news for the 300,000 people affected each year in France by shingles, this disease caused by the reactivation of chickenpox, which is often very painful. Shingrix, the vaccine against this virus sold in France since last year, will now be reimbursed for part of the population.
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All people over 65 and all immunocompromised adults will therefore be able to be reimbursed for this vaccine, which costs 300 euros. These two target groups are most at risk of developing shingles since the chickenpox virus most often reactivates from the age of 50, when the immune system becomes more fragile with age or after treatments such as chemotherapy. Furthermore, shingles can affect anyone who has ever had chickenpox.
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This support will also allow pharmacists, nurses and biologists to prescribe and administer the vaccine. The old vaccine, Zostavax, has no longer been marketed since last June. Its effectiveness was considered too low. Shingrix, which is given in two doses 2 months apart, helps prevent the appearance of shingles 8 times out of 10.