this type of food could delay the progression of this blood cancer

this type of food could delay the progression of this blood cancer
this type of food could delay the progression of this blood cancer

Multiple myeloma is a rare and currently incurable cancer that affects the bone marrow.

A new study gives some hope to this very gloomy picture: adopting a diet rich in fiber and giving pride of place to foods of plant origin could delay the progression of this cancer.

The study, the results of which were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology, was conducted among 20 people with a precancerous blood disorder and a high body mass index (BMI). Considered at risk of developing multiple myeloma, participants benefited from 12 weeks of fiber-rich vegetarian meals, and 24 weeks of coaching. Two participants whose disease was progressing before the study showed significant improvement in their disease progression trajectory. And one year after registration, none of the participants had seen their condition progress to multiple myeloma.

The power of nutrition… and the microbiota?

“This study highlights the power of nutrition, particularly a high-fiber, plant-based diet, and provides insight into how it can lead to improvements in the microbiota and metabolism to strengthen the immune system”, commented Dr. Urvi Shah, first author of the study, quoted in a press release (Source 2). “These results confirm the way in which we, doctors,…


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