Clermont University Hospital in 13th place in the top 50 best hospitals in Point

Clermont University Hospital in 13th place in the top 50 best hospitals in Point
Clermont University Hospital in 13th place in the top 50 best hospitals in Point

In the ranking of the Weekly Le Point, the Clermont University Hospital Center ranks 13th in the top 50 best French hospitals

Le Point magazine has just published its 2024 ranking of French hospitals and clinics. In the Top 50 best hospitals in , the Clermont University Hospital Center ranks in a very honorable 13th place. This ranking is a great recognition of the work of health professionals working on a daily basis within the Clermont-based establishment which, like many public hospitals, sometimes has to deal with resources that are not always in line with needs. This 13th place illustrates the competence of the teams, but also a form of commitment which allows the improvement of care and the quality of care.

Excellence in the treatment of several pathologies

The ranking of the weekly magazine revealed that for several pathologies, the Clermont University Hospital reached the very high level and even excellence. In the classification of 47 pathologies, it particularly stands out
in several areas:
-Second on the management of uterine fibroids
-Second on the management of endometriosis
-Second in rhythmology
-Second on the management of urinary stones
-Fifth on the management of carotid surgery
-Sixth on the management of strabismus
-Seventh in interventional cardiology
-Seventh management of dental and oral surgery in adults
-Seventh management of cancers of the stomach or esophagus
-Eighth on the management of corneal surgery
-Eighth on the management of Parkinson’s disease
-Ninth on the management of risky deliveries
-Ninth on the management of adult cardiac surgery
-Tenth on the management of adult leukemia

A titanic analysis work

The Point’s 2024 hospital rankings are one of the most comprehensive published to date. Within the weekly, the team bringing together journalists and computer scientists, sifted through the 1,400 short-stay establishments in mainland France and overseas to evaluate them based on analysis of the database. Medical Information Systems Programwhich the CNIL authorized to use after lengthy discussions. The database contains 28 million anonymous files of patients hospitalized during the year 2022. It offered the capacity to analyze, pathology by pathology, the procedures provided, the seriousness of the cases, the duration of hospitalization, the techniques used.




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