Paul Varenguin
Published on
Dec 6 2024 at 8:56 p.m.
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We don’t talk about it much, but 1is December is World AIDS Day. However, HIV is still circulating, and continues to claim victims. In Île-de-France alone, “more than 2,000 people discovered their HIV status in 2022”, according to Public Health France and theORS Île-de-France (regional health observatory). A figure that makes you dizzy, but which does not include the hundreds of people infected without knowing it.
So, to raise awareness among young people about AIDS, the town hall of Mitry-Mory (Seine-et-Marne) organized, Friday November 29, 2024a festive evening, the Mitry night dance. Testimonials.
“Stereotypes still circulate”
At school, sexuality education sessions must be providedand it is planned that three sessions will take place each year in middle and high school. But that’s on paper. “In reality, there are much less than that. We notice that the subject is still taboo,” explains Kelianfrom the Addictions France association that evening.
Certainly, sessions are organizedbut they are too few in number, and the young people do not necessarily dare to ask questions. The cause? ” It is embarrassing ! », assure Walida young Mitryan who came for the occasion.
The proof, like others, he hesitates to go in the direction of the stand on which swarm documentation et condoms. “Talk about all this with adults, in front of the whole class, it blocks. It is respondentanyway, so we’re going to look on the Internet…”, he confides.
Except that, on the web, you can find everything. Everything and anything. And this is not without consequences on the beliefs of the youngestlike their elders. “We notice that a lot of stereotypes circulatestill today: AIDS only affects homosexuals, we can catch it by kissing… even though no,” indicates Angelafrom the disability health prevention service of Mitry-Mory town hall.
-Supporting documents, and pedagogy as a bonus, it reminds us of the things to know, and the behaviors to be avoided by curious people approaching the stand. “For example, we have a table which summarizes the contaminating practicesbut also the contaminating liquids depending on the illnesses,” she explains.
This is also why the Mitry-Mory town hall wants to raise awareness among young people. ” They are the first to be exposed to HIV. Paradoxically, they also represent the least aware public,” she says.
And all you have to do is talk a little with the young people. “AIDS, I don’t really know how it’s caught, really. », admits a young boy. Another even admits not knowing that other diseases can be transmitted, or even that certain condoms are reimbursed by Health Insurance. Worse, he admits, he doesn’t know much about AIDS, “except that it can kill.” Nothing either about the treatments that exist today, and which can even make it possible to have children.
Addictions, an aggravating factor
Screens, pornography, cannabis, alcohol… Behind these words can hide dangerous addictions. “We do primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The objective is to provide support, before, during and after addiction, to limit the risks as much as possible,” summarizes Kelian, from Addictions France. Certain practices are becoming more popular, and being made “attractive”, affect many young people. This is the case of the Puff, this disposable electronic cigarette which is very successful among adolescents. And certain addictions can lead to risky practices.
Hence the need for prevention. “ We wanted to do something festiveand which allows us to raise awareness at the same time. The idea is also that young people become ambassadors and awareness-raisers,” says Mohamed Kachourdeputy mayor in charge of children and youth.
Moreover, he reminds that the City distributes condoms in all youth points, and that the funds collected at the refreshment bar will be donated to Aides. And, obviously, everyone hammers out the famous “Get out covered”, dear to the host Christophe Dechavanne at the end of his broadcasts.
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