six cases of tuberculosis detected in a school establishment

six cases of tuberculosis detected in a school establishment
six cases of tuberculosis detected in a school establishment


Julien Berrier

Published on

Dec 5 2024 at 4:53 p.m.

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The regional health agency (ARS) announced, Thursday December 5by press release, having detected six cases of tuberculosis in a school in Lons-le-Saunier.

Six cases of tuberculosis have been confirmed to date and have been hospitalized for medical treatment; two probable cases remain awaiting the results of their assessment. Around ten cases carry a latent, non-contagious infection and benefit from appropriate treatment

Press release from the regional health agency (ARS)

A first case in August

An announcement which follows the discovery of a first case in August 2024 which triggered the start of an investigation. “The ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté received a report of tuberculosis last August concerning an isolated minor housed in a home in Jura. The high-risk contacts were identified by the Anti-Tuberculosis Center (CLAT 25-39)a structure specialized in the fight against tuberculosis responsible for ensuring screening of people suffering from the disease, then, depending on the results, the care and monitoring of patients. »

Around fifty screenings in progress

A situation worrying enough for special measures to be taken given the form of the disease detected.

Following the identification of a more contagious form of the disease in a contact patient of the initial case, the national reference center (CNR) for tuberculosis and medical experts in the region recommend additional measures to stop the chain of contamination. A screening is in particular being organized in his school, in Lons-le-Saunier, and within the team sports team of which the minor is a part. In total, around fifty people are affected by the screening, which consists of a blood test and possibly a chest x-ray.

Press release from the regional health agency (ARS)
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What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacillus (mycobacteria of the tuberculosis complex) which most often affects the lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis) but which can also sometimes affect other organs (extra-pulmonary tuberculosis).

After being exposed to the tuberculosis bacillus, 10% of people will secondarily develop the diseasea large part of which in the first years following infection.

There is therefore a distinction between so-called latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), which does not present clinical signs and is not contagious, and tuberculosis disease, which manifests itself through symptoms.

The risk of developing tuberculosis disease following tuberculosis infection is more important in children and immunocompromised people.

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