. No, there are no more cancers in this municipality than elsewhere, a report is formal

. No, there are no more cancers in this municipality than elsewhere, a report is formal
Occitanie. No, there are no more cancers in this municipality than elsewhere, a report is formal


Fabien Hisbacq

Published on

Dec 5 2024 at 7:26 a.m.

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The story begins in 2018. The mayor of a small town in the south of TarnLescout, 771 inhabitants, suspects an excess of cancer cases and makes a report. An epidemiological study is therefore carried out, covering over the period 1986-2015. It is based on data from the Tarn Cancer Registry.

If the results of this first study did not highlight excess cases of cancer in the municipality nor in the municipalities located within a 3 km radius around it, compared to the rest of the department, an increasing trend for “all cancers” over time was observed in the commune of Lescout, explains the Tarn prefecture.

Poultry farming

The study of the scientific literature also did not highlight a particular cancer risk linked to exposure to poultry farming present in the town, which regularly causes controversy.

Public healthue therefore recommended carrying out an update of this analysis, this time focusing on the period 2016-2020.

No excess incidence

“The implementation of a methodology based on three distinct scientific approaches made it possible to obtain convergent results which do not show an excess incidence of cancers among the population of Lescout compared to the rest of the Tarn department”, estimates today the prefecture of Tarn, which adds: “This observation is established for all cancers, including the most frequently observed in the municipality”. Namely: colon-rectal cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and associated pathologies, prostate cancer, lung cancer and bladder cancer.

“He is also valid for areas which had been considered more particularly exposed to nuisances,” add the authorities.


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Air quality also studied

Remember that a study was carried out in parallel by ATMO Occitanie on the potential olfactory nuisances linked to emissions of odorous products (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide) and their measurements in the air. The result can be read below.

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To find the report in its entirety, click here.

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