A hotel and a cinema buried in the place of the old town hall of ?

A hotel and a cinema buried in the place of the old town hall of ?
A hotel and a cinema buried in the place of the old town hall of Montpellier?

Since November 20 and until December 20, the public is invited to give their opinion on the environmental impact study of the Ricardo-Bofill ZAC. Interesting.

The Ricardo-Bofill zac is moving forward. Monumental, from the Comedy to the banks of the Lez. And all the more complex as it is located in the heart of the city, even if it does not benefit from adequate communication. Also, after the presentation, then a first consultation, last January, it is today in a new phase of consultation concerning the environmental assessment of the project.

Digital consultation or in city and metropolis hotels, response by email

Since November 20 and until December 20, everyone is invited to read the environmental impact study (two detailed parts of 250 and 280 pages) and to give their opinion by email. The file is available on participa..fr and, for its paper version, at the town hall and at the Hôtel de Métropole.

Page 44, Pagézy’s long-term “indicative ground plan”.
Infographic ML-Antoine Llop – Source: Métropole/SA3M

We learn in particular that the project on the old town hall “could (everything is conditional) consist in particular of a major rehabilitation” of the main building, and become a hotel, and “the creation of a buried cinema in place of the old one” model room, as well as the construction of new buildings dedicated to housing, shops and offices. The Pagézy room has disappeared.

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