The League is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Estates General!

The League is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Estates General!
The League is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Estates General!

Aurélie, patient resource : « This day was rich and intense in emotion but also in sharing. As a patient resource committed to the League, I loved these moments where I learned a lot. »

Carine, member of the Gers committee : « The 25th anniversary of the Estates General allowed me to have intense and inspiring encounters. Our committee president is an exceptional woman! She fights body and soul, every day, for the rights and care of patients in Gers. Fight against inequalities and “out-of-pocket costs” that are far too heavy for patients… Let’s talk about the cost of cancer for patients! »

Erwan, patient : « A big thank you to the League Against Cancer for inviting me to testify on advances in cancer care. So much progress since 1998, but the fight continues. It was a day full of emotions for me, because it was also the anniversary of the announcement of my cancer.. »

Aurélie, volunteer at the Territoire de departmental committee : « This Thursday, November 28, 2024, we were all present: patients, health professionals, politicians, we listened with great emotion to the story of this day in 1998, from those who were there. The tone is set for the day. Sharing experiences, unique life stories, sometimes touching, moving, revolting… all so powerful! A real feeling of belonging. A day which highlighted the elements of the next plea. Thank you to the League team who did everything possible to ensure that we came out of it, proudly declaring “We were there!” »

Nadia, patient resource : « A huge thank you to everyone present for the 25th anniversary of the Estates General of sick people and their loved ones. I was very happy to give you my testimony, as a witness and patient resource! The creation of the patient collective is a common voice, driven to move the lines and concretely improve the life course of people affected by cancer. »

Gérard, general director of the Alpes-Maritimes committee : « This event not only marks a quarter of a century of collective commitment in the fight against cancer, but it also embodies resilience, progress and hope. The happiness and pride felt come from the progress made since the first editions: major advances in prevention, diagnosis, treatments, but above all, a growing recognition of the role of patients and their loved ones in the care pathway. These States General made it possible to place the voice of patients at the heart of health policies, by promoting open dialogue with professionals and institutions.. »



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