On Monday, December 2, 2024, the City of Dijon was officially awarded the “City committed to AIDS” label, recognition of its resolute commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS and the health of its residents. This label, awarded by the association Élus Locaux Contre le Sida (ELCS), was presented during a ceremony in front of the Théâtre des Feuillants in Dijon, in the presence of Christophe Berthier, deputy mayor of Dijon, and Jean- Luc Romero-Michel, president of the ELCS and deputy mayor of Paris.
Since the installation of the majority under the leadership of François Rebsamen, the City of Dijon has made the health and well-being of its residents a priority. Every December 1, on the occasion of World AIDS Day, prevention actions have been put in place to raise public awareness and highlight local associations that work with the most vulnerable populations. These efforts have resulted in the organization of a prevention village on Place François Rude, in collaboration with partners such as SEDAP, CAARUD, and the AIDES association.
These actions extend beyond this single day: screening weeks at the University Hospital, improvisation shows for high school students, as well as awareness-raising interventions in training schools such as IRTESS and IFSI. , are organized throughout the year. Dijon thus mobilizes a wide range of actors to educate and raise awareness on the issues of HIV/AIDS.
The theatrical show entitled “ YES Adventure », organized at the Théâtre des Feuillants with the company Entr’Act, is part of this awareness dynamic. For the first time, direct interaction with young people is offered thanks to this fun form of exchange, welcoming 450 young people during three performances. Prevention in schools also takes place in partnership with institutions such as Health Insurance, the ARS, and the University Hospital.
Obtaining the label “ City committed to fighting AIDS » also highlights the financial support that Dijon provides to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The AIDES Bourgogne-Franche-Comté association benefits in particular from an annual subsidy of 16,500 euros via an agreement with the CCAS of Dijon, unique support for a community. In all, 5% of the city’s overall social budget is devoted to associations concerned with the prevention of AIDS and the risks linked to addiction.
-On this occasion, Christophe Berthier recalled the importance of actively promoting prevention and screening, while the repercussions of the health crisis have led to a worrying drop in screenings in 2020 and 2021. He called on local authorities to mobilize the same means that they were able to deploy in the face of COVID-19 to effectively fight HIV/AIDS.
The City of Dijon is the first community on the Côte d’Or to receive this label, hoping that other cities in the region will get involved in their turn. By supporting both associations fighting HIV/AIDS and LGBTQI+ associations, Dijon affirms that the fight against discrimination is an essential pillar in the fight against AIDS.
Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, president of the ELCS, also praised the city’s efforts to overcome political divisions and unite all elected officials around this cause. Founded in 1995, the ELCS brings together elected officials of all political persuasions with a common objective of fighting HIV/AIDS and destigmatizing HIV-positive people.
Dijon’s commitment is an example of local solidarity in the face of a global public health issue. The city is now looking to the future with the hope that this label will inspire other territories to actively engage against this epidemic. Dijon brings together, more than ever, around values of sharing, fraternity and solidarity.