Myasthenia gravis in : prescriptions scrutinized

Myasthenia gravis in : prescriptions scrutinized
Myasthenia gravis in France: prescriptions scrutinized

The National Health Data System (SNDS) covers more than 99% of the population living in . Suffice to say that its content is valuable for knowing the frequency of a given disease or the way in which it is managed. The Stamina study was carried out on SNDS data. She had already revealed that autoimmune myasthenia gravis was more common than estimated, since it affects nearly 23,000 adults in France.

Close monitoring to better control the disease

This same study analyzed their prescriptions, with a first lesson: among the 22,000 patients diagnosed before 2020, half received long-term treatment for myasthenia gravis in 2019. The other half, untreated, could either have a moderate ocular form or be in remission. Second lesson: anticholinesterases taken alone represent the most common treatments (half of the patients treated), ahead of immunosuppressants with or without corticosteroids. The treatment also differs between patients, which attests to the great diversity in the expression of the disease from one person to another and perhaps also to differences in the prescribing habits of doctors. It also differs depending on the period for the same patient, which highlights the importance of regular monitoring and adaptation of the prescription over time, if necessary.
Thus, adults suffering from myasthenia gravis in France and diagnosed in 2012 or 2013 changed their family of myasthenia gravis drugs almost three times on average over a period of six years. And the proportion of those treated with corticosteroids has decreased over the years, in full compliance with current recommendations, with the aim of limiting the risk of side effects.

Treatment of myasthenia gravis in france: A retrospective claims database study (STAMINA).
Tard C, Forest P, de Pouvourville G,
J Neurol. 2024 Oct 10.



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