These drugs which are considered more dangerous than useful: the black list

Each year, the medical journal Prescribe publishes a blacklist of medicines. What medications should you avoid? Is Spasfon one of them?

88 pinned medications

The review Prescribein its 2025 report, listed 106 drugs of which the balance benefits/risks East unfavorable. 88 are marketed In . These medications are to avoid for several reasons.

Their effectiveness is demonstrated, but they “exposed to disproportionate risks in relation to their profits. The review also highlights drugs whose “theeffectiveness is not proven beyond that of a placebo, and which expose one to side effects particularly serious.

Medicines in cardiology and dermatology

THE medications to avoid concern many medical specialties: from cancerology to cardiology through dermatologydiabetology or urology. To establish its blacklistthe authors demonstrate “a rigorous procedure» to assess the benefit-risk balance of medications. They compare this “balance” to the reference treatment as well as to treatments older and most recent.

Should we avoid Spasfon?

The Spasfon is not part of the black list of drugs. There active molecule of Spasfon is phloroglucinol. However, the authors of the study estimate “that there is nothing to expect from phloroglucinol beyond the effectiveness of a placebo”.

They advise toavoid prescribing the Spasfon pregnant women or to those “who could become one”. They also advise against taking it in self-medicationwhich is “trivialized in France.”




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