Potentially dangerous waste discovered in Marie-Galante

Potentially dangerous waste discovered in Marie-Galante
Potentially dangerous waste discovered in Marie-Galante

The case was taken over by the unit specializing in this type of offense, and investigators from the Central Office for Combating Environmental and Public Health Attacks (OCLAESP) are trying to find out more. Samples were taken on site and the suspect samples were sent for analysis to determine whether they were indeed asbestos waste left in the open air.

These could be materials containing this harmful substance asbestos, which would have been thrown away without any precaution on a site open to the base dedicated to end-of-life vehicles, an ELV automobile scrapyard. Probably from a factory or a construction company but it remains to be seen which one.

A dangerous substance

It is important to know that asbestos is a substance that is dangerous to health. Remember the various scandals that broke out a few years ago in France. The fibers can cause serious illnesses, the most well-known of which are lung cancer.

In 2009, global health authorities considered that exposure to asbestos could also cause laryngeal and ovarian cancer. Investigations are therefore underway on the large pancake in order to determine the origin of this deposit, which is normally subject to a strict decontamination procedure.



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