Sylvie Mélis brings light out of her creations

Sylvie Mélis brings light out of her creations
Sylvie Mélis brings light out of her creations

Sylvie Mélis, originally from Lespignan and new to Poilhaise, is a multimedia artist and lighting designer. This enthusiast collaborates with different theater, dance, contemporary music and circus artists. The scenographer offers a transversal reflection on the theme of light.

The former Fine Arts student devotes herself to drawing in her studio. She conducts various research using several mediums such as video, light, color and painting. Using charcoal, pastel pigments, and eraser, Sylvie Mélis starts from light to bring up different blacks and remove clarity. His hand creates rich atmospheric effects that give the painting contours nuancednamed after this painting technique consisting of the superposition of several layers of extremely thin and translucent paint. She loves the sky and always keeps her horizon line. From his drawings sometimes emerges the classic pictorial genre of a theater plan which serves as a score, sometimes everyday objects revolutionized by all-powerful nature, and sometimes mysterious organic life. This instigator of reflections and astonishment found on the banks of the Canal an idyllic setting conducive to creation.

On Facebook: sylvie.melis.3




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